Faculty and Staff Resources
Making our classroom and office space inclusive is vital to the LGBTQ+ community feeling included in our campus community!
Below are important resources and information that can help faculty and staff build more inclusive and welcoming spaces, and prepare themselves to support our diverse LGBTQ+ campus community.
LGBTQ+ Education Initiatives and Safe Zone Trainings:
The Queer Resource Center offers a number of opportunities for faculty and staff to obtain education about LGBTQ+ issues, experiences, needs, and resources in the Trinity community. All faculty and staff are welcome to attend these opportunities as they are advertised.
The QRC manages Trinity’s Safe Zone Member program for our faculty, staff, and student leaders. The Safe Zone Program is a visible support network for those in need of connection, support, and resources on our campus. To join this network participants must complete a Safe Zone training and choose to join the program. For Trinity College this training is the “LGBTQ+ Foundations & Allyship” webcourse offered on Moodle by the QRC. It is an expectation that our Safe Zone members can commit to being visible and accessible allies to students and peers and will continue to participate in on-going Allyship and Safe Zone member learning opportunities over their time at Trinity. If you are interested in joining this program please sign-up to be enrolled into the Moodle course here.
If you any difficulty or questions about enrolling please contact us at QRC@trincoll.edu.
You can learn more about the Safe Zone program and members here.
Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty/Staff:
Below you will an F.A.Q. sheet with answers and suggestions to common questions regarding inclusive practices in the classroom, and resources for LGBTQ+ faculty and staff.
Faculty and Staff F.A.Q. Sheet
It may also be helpful to familiarize yourself with the student F.A.Q. sheet if you would like to prepare yourself to answer students’ most common questions about LGBTQ+ life and services at Trinity.
Student F.A.Q. Sheet
Programs and Communities for LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff:
Affinity groups:
The Trinity Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; The Mentoring, Advocacy, and Support program in the Office of the Dean of Faculty; and Human Resources are now offering a number of affinity groups for faculty and staff. These affinity groups offer a mechanism that brings people together around common identities, interests and experiences. Learn more about Trinity Affinity Groups here.
LGBTQ Faculty / Staff Affinity Group:
To join the LGBTQ faculty & staff affinity group please email blase.provitola@trincoll.edu and/or timothy.landry@trincoll.edu
They will add you to the Moodle used for this group’s communication and email list.
LGBTQIA+ identified staff and faculty are also welcome to join the OUT @ TRIN Staff & Faculty Listing.
The purpose of this information page is help increase the visibility and accessibility of LGBTQ+ staff and faculty at Trinity who are willing and interested in making themselves visible as support people for students or professional peers in their departments who are seeking support, guidance, information, or friendship connections.
To be added to this list please submit this brief sign up form with the following information:
- Name and Pronouns:
- How you identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community:
- Department and Position:
- Optional: Picture or selfie and a couple of short sentences about you, your interests, research areas, hobbies etc…
Your information will only appear on the OUT @ TRIN page under the Trinity LGBTQ+ Life website.